Sunday, May 05, 2024

What is Peer Counseling ?




What is Peer Counseling ?

Are you interested in becoming a Peer Facilitator? You may have many questions about what it means to be a Peer Counselor or a Facilitator. I hope to address many of your questions here.


What is Peer Counseling?

Peer Counseling is common among support groups and Helplines. These services are typically a free, confidential, and anonymous service available to all individuals who wish to share a problem, need referral information, or just want to talk to an unbiased listener.


What qualities do I need to be a Peer Counselor or Facilitator?

Peer Volunteers should be dedicated, empathetic and committed to helping others. They are individuals who are able to listen without judgement and who are willing to share their own life stories in order to help their support group members understand that they are not alone and that they are in a safe place to share if they desire.


Will I get paid?

Unfortunately, most support groups are not paid positions. Many organizations ask that their Facilitators and support group volunteers donate their time to help others.


Can only certain peers volunteer?

You might think that you have to be a peer in order to participate with support groups. However, that is not the case. The following are examples of individuals who may volunteer with a suicide attempt survivor support group:

  • Suicide attempt survivors
  • Individuals who battle depression, anxiety, thoughts of suicide etc.
  • Individuals diagnosed with a mental illness
  • Individuals battling addiction
  • Trained Therapists/Therapist Interns
  • Individuals who have lost loved one’s to suicide

Be sure to research the support group you are interested in volunteering with and do not hesitate to ask the group leader if they will accept you as a volunteer.


What are the benefits of being a Peer Counselor or Facilitator?

Peer Counselors gain skills in active listening and problem solving that can be applied to many real life situations. They also receive the good feeling of helping others, while interacting with other peer counselors. This service can also be used as a reference for employers and graduate schools.


What are the requirements and expectations to be a Peer Counselor or Facilitator?

Commonly upon signing up to volunteer with a support group, there is an application and interviewing process. There may be other training’s or certifications required depending on the group leader.


For how long do I have to volunteer?

It is commonly expected that newly accepted applicants volunteer for a minimum of one year before leaving. This way you are able to gain valuable experience that can benefit both support group members and other Peer Counselors who may look to you for guidance. This timeline may vary based on the individual support group guidelines.


Love Steph

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