Thursday, September 12, 2024

King and Kingdom Series, Part # 2, Excalibur, The Sword of The Spirit,

1. Zoom Pro
2. Pixabay Motion Videos
3. Wonder Share, Filmora video editing and free music clips
4. The Movie, Merlin & The War of The Dragons
5. The Authorized King James Bible

1. Genesis 1 : 26 – 28, The beginnings of Humanity’s Authority, Power and Rulership on earth as Kings

Free Music Clips from Wonder Share
1. Sad Blues Red Song Mother

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-de. .

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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Agape Love Podcast, A Voice of Light in The Darkness, The Oppressed Spirit Episode #21

1. Wonder Share, a video editing program with free music cipls
2. Stories of Pastor Deborah’s Ministry

Free Music
1. Chinese Vintage
2. Elegy of War
3. Peace of Mind
4. Reborn Me
5. Romantic Chinese Style Love Story
6. Chinese New Years Eve
7. Sad Rainy Season
8. Alive

1. The Matrix 1999

Spiritual Gifts
1. Discerning of Spirits – the spiritual ability of seeing into and perceiving the hidden realm of the spirit
2. Words of Spiritual Knowledge

Stories told
1. You Love Them Into the Kingdom of God Like I did you
2. A Super Game Boy
3. The Oppressed Spirit by Dr. Myles Munroe of the Bahamas Faith Ministries from his teaching at the Leading Edge Leadership Conference
4. Come & See Poem

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-de. .

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah
Explore the podcast

26 episodes
Love Is Here Podcast Show, A Voice In The Darkness with Pastor Deborah
The Hidden Kin
Explore the podcast

28 episodes
Love Is Here Podcast Show, A Voice In The Darkness with Pastor Deborah
The Hidden Kingdoms

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It’s Time, Pastor Deborah’s Personal Story of Spiritual Transition, Part # 13 , Story # 28

4 views Premiered Jun 18, 2024 PENSACOLA
1. Wonder Share Filmora, Video Editing and Free Music
2. It’s Time Story, Story 28 of The School of Light, The Kingdom of Agape Love, Part 13
3. The Authorized King James Bible
4. Webster’s Dictionary

Free Music
1. Romantic Chinese Style Love Story
2. Peace of Mind

1. Judges 4 : 1 – 14, About the Old Testament Prophets of Israel
2. Judges 5 : 1 – 7, About the Old Testament Prophets of Israel

Stories Mentioned or Told
1. It’s Time, Pastor Deborah’s Personal Spiritual Transformation
2. So Many Hands, Just So Many Hands, The School of Light, Kingdom of Agape Love, Volume 1

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-deborah

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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Words of Encouragement # 13 of 2024 How Is Your Lord Known ?

1. Zoom Pro
2. Pixabay Free Motion Video
3. The Authorized King James Bible
4. Wonder Share, Filmore video editing and free music clips

1. Psalm 9 : 16 – 20, Written by King David, The 2nd King of Ancient Israel

Free Music Clips
1. Romantic Chinese Style Love Story
2. Sad Rainy Season

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-de. .

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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Agape Love The Greatest Gift, with Love Is Here by Isaac

1. Wonder Share Filmora Video Editing and Free Music Clips
2. The Authorized King James Bible
3. Pixabay, Free Motion Videos
4. Love Is Here by Amanda and Isaac

1. John 3 : 16 – 18 Written by one of the first apostles/disciples of Christ Jesus, John
2. John 8 : 12, Written by one of the first apostles/disciples of Christ Jesus, John
3. John 8 : 31, Written by one of the first apostles/disciples of Christ Jesus, John
4. 1 Corinthians 1 : 1 – 14, Written by Paul, an early Apostle of Christ Jesus to the believers in Corinth

Free Music
1. Chinese Vintage
2. Missing Under The Chinese Parasol Tree
3. Romantic Sad Rainy Day

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-de. .

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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Words of Encouragement #12 Which Lord Is Your Lord ?

1. Zoom Pro
2. Wonder Share video editing program and free music clips
3. Pastor Deborah’s Personal Story about Candy and James
4. The Authorized King James Bible
5. Pixabay free motion videos

1. Psalm 18 : 1 – 3, Written by King David, The 2nd King of Ancient Israel

Free Music Clips from Wondershare
1. Romantic Chinese Style Love Story
2. Reborn

Personal Ministry Story Told
1. James, The Protector

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-de. .

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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NAASCA Blog talk radio The Curses of Abuse, Deaf & Dumb and Jealousy from June 13 2024

1. Blog Talk Radio
2. The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
3. Wonder Share Filmora video Editing and free music clips
4. Book, Strongman’s His Name, What Is His Game, by Drs. Jerry & Carol Robeson
5. Trauma Informed Care

Free Music Clips\
1. Chinese New Year Eve
2. Elegy of War
3. city Insider
4. Arabic
5. Alive

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-deborah

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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Blog Talk Radio Live Show of NAASCA on June 6, 2024 The Curses of Abuse, Bondage and Fear

1. Blog Talk Radio
2. The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse
3. Strongman’s His Name, What is His Game, Book by Drs. Jerry & Carol Robeson
4. Wonder Share, video editing program and free music clips
5. Trauma Informed Care

Free Music
1. Romantic Chinese Style Love Story
2. Missing Under The Chinese Parasol Tree

Movies mentioned
1. Stars Wars
2. Concussion with Will Smith
3. The 3 Faces of Eve, with Joann Woodward

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-deborah

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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NASCA Radio Show Blog Talk Thursday May 30, 2024 Curses of Abuse, Heaviness & Perversion

1. Blog Talk Radio
2. The National Association of Adult Survivors of Child Abuse, NAASCA
3. Wonder Share, Filmora Video Editing and Free Music Clips
4. Strong Man His Name, What Is His Game, By Drs. Robinsons’

Free Music Clips
1. Chinese Style The Old Memories
2. Chinese Vintage

Stories Told
1. Carrie, Raise up and walk
2. OJ Simpson’s and Charley
3. Hershel Walker and His Dissociative Identity Disorder
4. Woman and a Psychiatrist and healing through Agape Love

Movies To Watch
1. The 3 Faces of Eve

The global web site of Agape Love, Love Is Here at

Also all videos are freely podcasted to Free Podcast Shows which all are accessible on the front page of the web site on the left hand side of the page and they include the following

1. on these apps
Find Us On These Apps
Available on PocketCasts Available on PodFriend Available on Overcast

2. Called Agape Love or Pastor Deborah’s Podcast Show
Agape Love Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

3. Mental Health And The Forever Person Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

4. Setting The Captives Free Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

5. The King And The Kingdom Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

6. International Spiritual Care University Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

7. Story Time Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

8. Tele-Ministry Podcast
Listen on Google Play Music Listen on Itunes Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

9. Audio Books Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

10. School of Light Podcast
Listen on Itunes Listen on TuneIn Listen on iHeartRadio Listen on Amazon Music

Also you can continue to following Pastor Deborah and her spiritual teaching on the Ministry’s Global Network of YouTube Channels of

1. The Hidden Kingdoms

2. For Children of All Ages at…

3. The Light of Love Channel at…

4. and on The Hidden Kingdoms Playlists of

YouTube Shorts at…

and on The Hidden Kingdoms Community Posts at…

5. Pastor Deborah is now also on RUMBLE at Agape Love’s War, The War of 2 Realms at

6. And soon to be on Spreaker , A Podcasting Platform at Agape Love’s Podcast with Pastor Deborah

You can also follow Agape Love, Love Is Here and Pastor Deborah on

1. Twitter at
/ agapeloveishere

2. and on LinkedIn at
/ pastor-de. .

Follow Agape Love, Love Is Here’s Global Spiritual Teaching Ministry with Pastor Deborah by subscribing to the channels, connecting with her on Twitter and LinkedIn. Also make comments on the videos and on the Community Posts and listen to her on all of the Ministries many Podcasts Shows which all are free to listen to.

Love Pastor Deborah

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