Welcome again to another spiritual teaching video from Isaiah 61, Verse 8. This is part 11 of I, The Lord Will Direct Their Work in Truth. Learn much deeper spiritual truths about The Lord and how and why He needs to direct our spiritual learning and growth personally for His Kingdom purposes on earth and in and through His Truth.
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All Scriptures mentioned are from the Authorized King James Version of The Holy Bible
1. Isaiah 61 Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. John 6: 25 – 66 Verses 45 – 66
4. Isaiah 54 : 1 – 14
5. Hebrews 4 : 12
6. Matthew 11 : 28 – 30
7. Jeremiah 6 : 16
8. John 3 : 1 – 13
9. 2 Corinthians 3 : 6
10. Matthew 25 : 31 – 45
11. Proverbs 1 : 24 – 32
12. Psalm 107 : 10 -11
13. Job 21 : 7 – 15
14. Job 4 : 8
15. Timothy 1 : 17
16. Hebrews 2 : 15
17. Romans 8 : 15
Time Stamps for Opening Prayer 9: 25
Time Stamps for Re-Connecting Back to God – 01. 54. 00
Time Stamps for Prayer, 02.17.00
Church Revival Mentioned
Brownsville Assembly of God, Pensacola, Florida 1995-2000
Movies mentioned
1. The Miracle Worker
2. The Matrix, 1999
Other Stories Mentioned
1. James, The Soundman Book
2. Watchman Nee, The Spiritual Man
3. You Did Not Get Fed Today, On Web site, In Prayer and Fasting
4. Voice In The Light Video
5. Humpty Dumpty Video
6. Video Blogs, The Little One
7. It’s Time, Pastor Deborah’s Story
8. How Do I Help Them
9. Operation Capture
10. Whirlwind of Destruction
11. You Got The Pattern Right
Other Playlists to Watch
1. The King’s International Spiritual Care University
2. Story Time
3. The King and Kingdom Series
4. Setting The Captives Free
5. Mental Health and The Forever Person
6. Audio Books
7. Story Time