Join with Pastor Deborah and many others as she spiritually teaches another section of Isaiah 61, Verse 8, Part 10 about how The Lord, Will Direct Our Work in Truth. Come and Hear Words of Agape Love and Truth as they show you how they can and will Direct your Work in Truth. Learn about yourself and others.
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The Youtube Channel, The Hidden Kingdoms
Follow Pastor Deborah on Twitter and Linkedin at Pastor Deborah Schleich and Agape Love, Love Is Here
All Scriptures used in Video are from the Authorized King James Version
1. Isaiah 61 : Verse 8
2. Proverbs 25 : 2
3. Psalm 11 : 7
4. Job 36 : 7
5. 1 Peter 3 : 12
6. John 6 : 25 – 66
Verse 41
Verse 42
Verse 43
Verse 44
7. Song of Solomon 1 : 4 – 5
8. Genesis 1 : 26
9. Hebrews 4 : 12
Movies Mentioned
1. The Miracle Worker
2. The Matrix, The Movie and Trilogy
3. China’s Spiritual God of The Ancestors
4. The Egyptian
5. China Cry
6. George Mueller
7. Master Class Initiative Of Nigeria – Leadership Development Videos
8. Brownsville Revival 1995 – 2000
9. The 3 Inheritance Videos for Pastor Henry of Kenya
10. The Multitudes, Volume 3, Part 1, Agape Love, The Greatest Gift
11. The Video Blogs about The Little One
12. Dr. Myles Munroe Video on The Birth of Death
13. The Voice in The Light Story on web site
14. The Oppressed Spirit Story on the web site
Other Playlists to Watch
1. Global Tele-Ministry
2. Video Blogs
3. Leadership Development
4. Story Time
Other Sections for Videos
1. Prayer and Fasting, Volume 1 and 2
2. Songs of The Heart
3. Leadership Development
4. Spiritual Teaching
All videos are also on 7 Different Podcast Shows which include
1. Tele-Ministry
2. Agape Love, Love Is Here
3. Mental Health and The Forever Person
4. The King and Kingdom Series
5. The King’s International Spiritual Care University
6. Setting The Captives Free
7. Story Time
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